Monday, July 2, 2012

Give Regular Folks a Chance

July 2, 2012

Today's Weird Casting Award goes to the makers of the movie "One Shot", featuring Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.

Reacher is a terrific hero—one of the best. He is also 6'5", and, judging from the descriptions in the books, can charitably be described as homely. I think it would be cool to see a good actor who actually looked like Reacher portraying him. You know, maybe have ordinary-looking people be heroes for a change.
I was going to title this entry “Hollywood is Reaching”, but it seemed too easy.

July 9, 2012 

Here's to Ernest Borgnine (who died yesterday), a regular-looking guy who won an Oscar for the lead role in a romance movie—proving that it could be done.

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