Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just Curious

1) People are mad because Idaho didn’t pass a law against texting. One columnist said that he knows how his kids text and it terrifies him. I wrote in and asked if that meant that he knew his kids were texting while driving; if so, why didn’t he take either the car keys or the cell phone away until they got the message that texting while driving is a huge no-no?

But I was over the Statesman's letter limit (one per month)and it didn’t get published. I also predicted he’d get a lot more letters asking the same question, but I was wrong. Apparently I was the only person who even asked.

2) Truth in Advertising: If military recruiting ads had the same guidelines as pharmaceutical ads, would they run something like this?

After the spiel about being all you can be, or offering to pay for your education, they might end with, “Service with the military may cause physical or mental impairment or death…” or at the least, “After military service, mind and/or body may not function at pre-service levels.”

1 comment:

Peg said...

On May 23, 2019, @US Army tweeted, "How has serving impacted you?"

According to NPR, not all the responses were positive. The following lines are quoted from an article posted on May 27, 2019.

"Soon after the U.S. Army tweeted its question, thousands of responses began flooding in. Many people tweeted about the positive impact military service had on their lives, but others posted stories of post-traumatic stress disorder, illness and suicide brought on by experiences ranging from seeing loss of life to sexual assaults in the military.

"One man responded, 'How did serving impact me? Ask my family.' He wrote of a 'Combat Cocktail' which included "PTSD, severe depression, anxiety. Isolation. Suicide attempts. Never ending rage.'"

Maybe military recruiting ads SHOULD have the same guidelines regarding side effects as medication ads do.