Thursday, November 30, 2017

Interview With A Vampire

November 29.2017

Now that so many news personalities are joining the ranks of accused sexual predators, I’d like to see one of them interviewed as follows:

1.      Mr. Newsman, how did you select your victims? Many women who worked with you said that they are stunned at the accusations, as you never once gave any indication that you were an abuser. What made you pick the specific women you targeted?

2.      Were there certain women that you wouldn’t have harassed even if their jobs made them vulnerable to retaliation if they reported you or refused you? What characteristics made you not pursue them?
(In other words, were there people that you were scared to mess with? Why?)

3.      Did you sexually harass people before you were famous and powerful, or was the activity an outgrowth of your increasing power and a sense of entitlement or invulnerability?

4.      If you didn’t harass people before you were powerful, was that because you didn’t have those tendencies, or because you didn’t think you could get away with it?

5.      If you don’t feel that you had those tendencies before, what was it that led you to act this way once you became powerful? In other words, are we all doomed every time somebody gets famous and/or powerful?

These are actual scientific questions that I’m interested in, by the way, and they apply to politicians and bosses as well.

Did their high profiles lead to an increased sense of entitlement, or a lowering of inhibitions, that told them that they should act on any impulse? Or would they have acted like this anyway?

Please, somebody, interview the predators. I really want to know.

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