Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Not Right Now, I’ve Got a Headache

December 3, 2017

I keep thinking I’m done writing about sexual harassment, but news items just keep appearing.

The latest: Did you know that Congress has an actual fund (paid for by taxpayers) to settle sexual harassment cases?

So the members know that it goes on, and instead of making rules to deter it, or punishing the offenders, they have a ready-made fund to bail them out!!! (There are not enough exclamation points in the world for that sentence.)

I think that while Congress works on getting its moral act together, there should be a mandatory automatic payroll deduction for each member to put into the fund. Every member of Congress, man or woman (because women can harass, too), should be required to pay into it—like dues. If you can’t make them behave decently on moral grounds, maybe making them pay for the awful behavior that they allow will make them more eager to fix the problem.

And now, I have simply got to stop writing about this. I’ve got a splitting headache.

December 15, 2018

A bill was just passed by the House and the Senate requiring the offenders to pay for their own settlements.

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