Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Alexa, Turn This Thing Off!

February 26, 2018

I’ve been reading yet another article on how interns at state and national legislatures are being sexually harassed. Hand-wringing and soul-searching ensue. What, ask politicians, can we do about this situation?


1. Suspend or end the programs.

2. Send a strongly-worded message to legislators, telling them that this behavior is not acceptable. (HAHAHAHAHA! Like THAT’S ever worked.)

3. Tell interns to expect this behavior, and what to do about it and where to report it. Emphasize that the changing climate means that they are more likely to be believed, but that it won't be a cake walk. They will be making an informed choice from now on.

4. Outfit interns with recording devices.

5. Strap an ice pack in a strategic place onto every elected official, and have a scanner activate it when s/he leaves home and deactivate it when s/he returns.

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