Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Use Your Head to Increase Your Heart Rate

July 25, 2018

I was told that you actually have to keep increasing the amount of exercise you do, because the benefit comes from increasing your heart rate; and once you’ve reached the point where your exercise isn’t increasing your heart rate, you’re not getting as much benefit.

I said, “Nuts to that!” Once I’ve completed my normal workout, I just throw in a couple of squat-thrusts, or other exercises that aren’t normal to the routine. Just changing what I do seems to throw my body off track, and increase my heart rate nicely. I’m going to take advantage of that, instead of wasting my time doing ever-more repetitions or longer runs.

So if you’ve bought into the “You must keep increasing exercise to maintain” bit, save yourself some time. Use your head, not your time, to increase your heart rate.

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