Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Who Are You Calling a Millennial?

August 31, 2018

In a previous post I cited articles and columns that concluded that cooking is becoming a lost art among Millennials and Gen Xers. I had a couple of problems with the theory. Here’s one more:

The student cited as a non-cooker was living in New York, she was getting good money from a job, and was also supported by her parents. She does not sound representative of an entire generation. Nor even all New Yorkers. She sounds like a part of a subset of Millennial/Gen Xers/Gen Zers.

Do Midwestern Gen X’ers carry on this way? Do all New York Gen X’ers carry on this way? Are the people making the generalization perhaps focusing on a narrow section of the population?

The term “Millennials” is supposed to refer to an age group; but it seems to me that it often refers to what used to be called “Yuppies”: Young, upwardly mobile people. Not every Millennial/Gen Xer/Gen Zer has access to unlimited restaurant choices, or enough money to pay for them.

So when you’re throwing around the term “Millennials”, make sure you’re talking about everybody in the age bracket.

Otherwise, specify which subset you’re talking about.

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