Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Military Intelligence?

June 23, 2019

Mom used to say, “Military Intelligence. Now there’s a contradiction in terms!”

Well, I just read a story that backs up that assertion. The story was written to honor a veteran, but this part struck me funny.

According to a story printed in today’s Post-Dispatch*, Mendel Rosenberg was drafted into the military in 1951. He was born in Europe, and spoke several languages, including German and Russian, so he figured that he would be sent to Europe as an interpreter.

Instead, he was sent to Pennsylvania to be an MP at a stockade there.

Later he was assigned overseas. He volunteered to go to Europe, but was assigned to Tokyo, where he needed a translator.

Need I say more?

*(The article was written by Lori Rose, a Brand Ave. Studios contributing writer; the Post-Dispatch isn’t responsible for the content.)

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