Sunday, July 21, 2019

She Must Have Been Stunning

July 21, 2019

Another random snippet from the Bible:

Abram and Sarai moved around a lot. Once, during a famine, they moved to Egypt, and Abram told Sarai that because she was so beautiful, the Egyptians would kill him to get her. To prevent this, they told the Egyptians that she was his sister (which was true), and Pharaoh sent for her. He didn’t have his way with her, because the Lord punished him for taking a married woman; so he sent her back unharmed, and kicked them out of the country.

Later, after some other events and a name change, Abraham and Sarah were residing in Gerar, where King Abimelech cast his eyes upon the lovely Sarah and took her, Abraham having again neglected to mention that Sarah was married to him. Once again the Lord interceded, and all ended well for the happy couple.

But here’s the thing: The first time she was taken away to make a king happy, Sarah was 65 years old; and the second time, she was 89.

She must have been quite a looker.

(Also, Abraham seems like a slow learner, and Abimelech and Pharaoh seem pretty indiscriminate in their female-snatching. But that’s another story.)

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