Thursday, September 17, 2020

It Should Be Included in the Licensing Process

 September 15, 2020


So: A lot of helpful citizens—with weapons—are stopping people in Oregon to make sure they’re not looters. They are basing their behavior on rumors they’ve heard about wildfires being started deliberately by various groups that they don’t like.

Now, the right to bear arms is contingent on belonging to a “well-regulated militia.” Threatening people because you’ve heard a rumor is not being well-regulated. It’s being a sap. It means you’re being played.

Perhaps when people apply for their weapons permits, there can be an added step to the process. In addition to proving that they can handle their firearms safely,


Maybe people should be required to prove that they know how to tell fake news stories from real ones. Especially the self-appointed defenders of law and order.




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