Saturday, September 19, 2020

Parental Concern


September 19, 2020


With COVID-19 running rampant, some parents in St. Louis County are concerned about their children playing sports.

That is, the parents are concerned that their children are not being allowed to play sports. Many use the excuse that their young Beckhams, Bradys, and Gretzkys may be losing college scholarships since they are not allowed to play team sports.

(I wonder how many of them already have each and every move their child ever made on the field on video? Can’t they send those loaded-with-potential clips to the scouts?)

Are these kids really that good? Good enough to risk their lives in order to play high school sports on the chance that a college may come calling?

Now parents and schools are scheduling games outside the county so that their budding stars can play without those pesky health restrictions.

Honestly, it makes me sick to my stomach—no exaggeration—that they would put their kids’ lives at risk in order to try for scholarships that most of them—let’s face it—wouldn’t earn anyway, or in order to live vicariously through them.

Every time a meeting is held about letting kids play sports, I think that it should start with one of the many videos made by teens who have suffered through COVID-19, and are warning others to take precautions. It might make a smidge of an impression on some of those rabid parents.


Kids: If your parents are pressing you to play sports—well, best of luck to you, my friends.


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