Thursday, April 6, 2023

Thank Goodness We Don't Have Public Transportation!

January 15, 2023


The inevitable discussion: “Public transportation, blah, blah, blah…Expensive, blah, blah, blah…”


No question about it, having regional public transportation would be a very bad thing. Just think about it:


You think the Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day Parades are crowded now, just think about how bad they’d be if people from surrounding areas who don’t like to worry about parking could just hop on a train and come downtown.


People would sure miss the long lines of traffic to get to Main Street St. Charles at Christmastime.


The Central West End Window Walk would be a disaster with all those additional people milling around, as would Winterfest on Delmar. People might actually find their way to the Miniature Museum. Ballpark Village and Powell Hall would never be able to hold the crowds, and the Sheldon, the Pulitzer, and the Contemporary Art Museum would be overrun. All the smaller art galleries might have more foot traffic, too, and there goes the neighborhood!


So, by all means, keep putting public transportation on the back burner. Who needs more business opportunities?




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