Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Beginning of an Era? Or the End of One?

September 23, 2023


I took a major technology step this week: I voluntarily downloaded an app to my phone. I don’t typically do that, because I darkly suspect that apps are sneaky ways to get your info, and I don’t want my personal information sold to the highest—or lowest—bidder. So, I’ve never done a Wordle, or any of those other fun things that people do on their phones.


But this was a birdsong ID app, and it was from Cornell, so I figured I’d take a chance. And boy, was I having fun this morning! So many birds that I’d never dreamed of, hanging out in the woods behind my house.


Some people might say it’s the beginning of an era; but it’s more likely to be the end of one. Every time I finally catch up to a fashion or tech trend, it typically goes away in favor of something else.


So, start asking yourself: What’s going to replace the app? And how soon?





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