Monday, July 29, 2024

Sign Me Up for that Censorship Thing


July 26, 2024


A school board in Missouri is deciding on which criteria they can use for deciding which books can be removed from school libraries. Some contenders include letting the public ask to the board to removed books that, are in their opinion, “obscene” or “vulgar”.


I’m actually wishing I were in that district. If so, I would pull any book that uses the word “fart” (I even hate typing that word), or booger, or butthead…so many words, so little time. 


(I wonder what would happen if somebody tried to pull a book that a board member actually liked—if they like any books at all. It could be quite entertaining.) 


In any case, I’m all about ridding the world of vulgarity.


So, heck yeah, sign me up.


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