Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Go Forth (Solo) and Conquer

August 26, 2015

I just saw a segment on The Today Show about how dining alone at restaurants is on the rise, and whether or not that’s good for you. What fascinates me is that dining alone is even news-worthy. Do people really deny themselves good food because they don’t have anybody to go to a restaurant with? Wow!

(I admit that this is less of a social statement on my part as it is my pure oblivion to social norms. I honestly never knew that there was a stigma associated with dining alone. It’s not rebellion, it’s common sense: If you want to go out to eat, go out to eat.)

It reminds me of all the times people have said, “I wanted to go to (whatever), but couldn’t get my spouse (or anybody) to go with me.” Again—Wow! I’ve said that sometimes, about things that involve driving—I’m a driving wimp; but I’ve never not gone to the ballet, or a movie, or a folk festival, or bowling because nobody would go with me. I’d be missing a heck of a lot.

So, do people not go because they don’t want to be lonely (as opposed to staying home alone—what’s the dif?), or because they think that they “should” have somebody with them? Is it societal expectations that keep them home?

It’s downright distressing to think that so many people may be denying themselves so much fun because other people have made them think that it’s weird to go places alone.

Can it be lonely? Ohhh, yeah. Worse than staying home, or worse than dragging along somebody who’s going to gripe the whole time because they don’t want to be there? Hell, no!

So Go Forth (Solo) and Conquer!

(Readers: If  you’ve ever done something solo, either just once or whenever you have to, let me know how you liked it. Would  you rather have been there or stayed home? And if you don’t go to events because you don’t want to go alone, let me know how that’s working out for you. Or at least reconsider.)

September 8, 2024

Today I read an article that said some restaurants are actually taking steps to make solo diners feel comfortable. Apparently, they’re realizing that solo people are paying customers, too. And solo dining is still on the rise, so it behooves them to adapt their business models accordingly. It seems like a long time coming, but at least they’re coming around.

Well, hallelujah!



Tuesday, August 25, 2015

You CAN Be Too Careful

August 25, 2015

I keep seeing items in the news mentioning “the alleged suspect.” I’m assuming that the news outlets don’t want to be sued for defamation. (But you’d think that NBC news, at least, would have people who know what’s what.)

Folks, if he’s on trial, or in jail, or even out on bail, he’s not an “alleged” suspect. He’s a suspect. He is an alleged rapist, thief, murderer or what-have-you—but he’s a genuine suspect.

Don’t be afraid to say it. He already knows.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Reality Bites

August 19, 2015

I keep telling myself that eating chocolate chip cookie dough doesn't have all the calories that eating the baked cookies does.

Unfortunately, my hips disagree.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Customer Dissatisfaction

August 14, 2015

Is it a bad sign when the automated survey of one your service providers cuts you off before you’ve finished telling it what bugs you about the system?

Maybe They're Getting The Hang of It

August 12, 2015

A few weeks ago I posted about employers who want good employees, but don’t want to pay good wages for them. (“Turn Around That Turnover”  July 2, 2015)

Today there’s an article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about how employers are bemoaning the lack of workers with the skills they need. They are dissatisfied with applicants’ work ethic, communication skills, interpersonal skills and problem-solving skills.

According to the article, only 44 percent are actually raising wages to attract good hires.

But since that percentage is higher than the 35% who did it two years ago, maybe they’re learning something after all.