Thursday, June 7, 2018

I'm Betting on the Dinosaurs

June 4, 2018

Another Jurassic Park movie is coming out soon. I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that something has gone wrong with the dinosaur engineering, and the lizards are going to try to take over the park.

So: Five times the dinosaurs have taken over the park; because five times, the humans haven’t figured out that what they’re doing is dangerously flawed.

I hope that the owners of Jurassic Park have a meteor on standby; because in a battle of wits, there’s no way these dinosaurs will lose.

June 11, 2018

Oops, I got it wrong! The humans have left the dinosaurs alone; but when a volcano threatens to destroy the island, two humans want to save the dinosaurs.

So things go pretty wrong, but at least it’s not from greed this time.

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