Thursday, November 15, 2018

Add Zombies to the List

November 15, 2018

Kentucky governor Matt Bevin has floated a reason for the recent spate of mass shootings:


Previously he blamed video games, cell phones, and access to psychotropic drugs for gun violence. This time he specified the fascination with zombies in games and film, arguing that American culture is “inundated by the worst things that celebrate death.”

Speaking of the shootings, he said, “We’ve had things that are fueled by both people that are insane, people that are hateful, and people that are just bent on wreaking havoc and perpetuating evil.”

I’m not disagreeing that the ritualized violence that people are encouraged to watch and participate in is not helping. But he forgot to add one other thing to the list:

Guns that fire multiple rounds in seconds, accessible, by law, to the insane, the hateful, and the people that are just bent on wreaking havoc and perpetuating evil.

OK, Governor, we’ll work on the zombies. You work on the guns.

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