Thursday, October 24, 2019


October 23, 2019

Scientists in Japan have discovered that painting cows with zebra-type stripes helps reduce attacks from biting flies. Sound crazy? Read on.

Until I read the article, I had no idea that flies biting cattle were so dangerous. But if cows bunch together for protection, they can get heat stroke, or injuries from the head tossing and stamping they do to repel the flies. Fly bites are estimated to cost the cattle industry billions every year. Who knew?

When the cows are painted black and white, though, the flies are less likely to land on them, due to the polarization of light. The painted cattle were 50% less likely to get bitten.

It’s an eco-friendly alternative to using pesticides, which makes lots of people happy.

Now for the billion-dollar question: Who’s going to volunteer to paint all those cows?

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