Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Telltale Tattoos

October 20, 2019

Cardinal Ritter College Prep School had a problem. The football player wearing jersey No. 4, an outstanding member of the team, was not eligible to play in the season opener, because he had been ejected from a game the previous season. Even so, the team played the opener and won.

Having served his suspension, No. 4 was eligible to play in subsequent games, and the school won its first seven games.

However: An astute observer noticed that tattoos on No. 4’s arms matched the tattoos of the player who wore jersey No. 24 in the season opener.

Technically, since No. 4 never served the suspension, all the games he played in are forfeit. So the school’s 7-0 (so far) season is in the toilet.

Furthermore, the entire football program has been suspended for the year, meaning that the other members of the team are losing their opportunity to play this year.

Is the moral of the story, “Make your players take responsibility for their own actions.”?

Or is it, “Hide the evidence better.”?

Either way, the coach has been fired.

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