Monday, November 4, 2019

It’s Quiet Here in the Cave

November 3, 2019

I remember a Star Trek episode* that used a subsonic frequency to make people irritable in order to overcome the effects of an alien plant that was making everyone too mellow. If you’ve ever dealt with a continuously buzzing fluorescent light, you know that the idea is not so far-fetched.

And if you live within a few miles of a highway, you know that traffic sounds can carry pretty far, too. Ever tried listening to birdsong in the morning? Good luck.

Well, guess what? Now we may be able to add drones to the list of things that will interrupt your quiet meditation on the deck. The idea of drone delivery is becoming more prevalent, and I doubt that they will be completely silent. (Some people may even insist that drones not be silent, to make spying on households more difficult.) I’m getting worried that pretty soon there will be so much continuous sound that our entire society will be cranky, just like the people in the Star Trek episode.

Not looking forward to it.

*This Side of Paradise

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