Tuesday, August 11, 2020

School Is Not Day Care


August 11, 2020

Letter to Kathleen Parker, columnist at the Washington Post:

Dear Ms. Parker:

You made some cogent points in your column about why teachers should be considered front-line workers and return to school.

But you almost lost me in the second sentence: “In the other [ear], an exhausted mother of two young children tells me she's praying her kids can go back to school.”

School is not day care, Ms. Parker. Exhausted mothers can find like-minded parents online and trade babysitting dates.

School is there for students to learn, not so parents can park their kids and go to work. (Yes, as a working mother, I did have trouble juggling work and kids when school was out; so I know whereof I speak.)

PLEASE do not spread the notion that school exists to give parents a break from their children. Teachers are not babysitters. Please don't reinforce the idea that that's what they are. Too many people think that already.

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