Saturday, August 15, 2020

They Can Enforce the Dress Code, but not the Mask Mandate


August 10, 2020


I saw an article the other day about the Georgia school that suspended a student for taking a picture of the crowded school hallway, full of unmasked students. School administrators said that they were unable to enforce a mask mandate.

Kelsey Stiegman, of Seventeen magazine, pointed out that the school district has a dress code about how long shorts must be; that shoulders must be covered; and that one middle school devotes 3 pages of its dress code to leggings.

Why, she asks, can schools take the time to measure how long a girl’s shorts are, and make students abide by a dress code; but can’t make students abide by a mask mandate? Especially when you can tell at a glance who is and who isn’t wearing a mask?


Excellent question.



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