Monday, July 26, 2021

A Driving Lesson People Could Relate To

July 15, 2021

Sometimes when I’m driving, I’m wishing that I could explain to newbie drivers why I make the decisions I do.

“See how that car is squeezing in between those cars? What happens if the car he just got behind slams on its brakes?”

“I could change lanes to pass this slow car, but if you look ahead, you’ll see that there’s a car going slowly in that lane, too; and I wouldn't be able to get back in my lane in time to get to the exit.”

“If a car is trying to merge, let it. Don’t race to try to get ahead of it.”

What I think would be really cool would be for someone famous for driving to make an instructional video. The late Paul Walker, of “Fast and Furious” fame, would have been perfect: by all accounts he was a nice guy, and people knew he knew how to drive; so if HE gave driving advice, young people might have listened.

Any other awesome drivers want to give it a shot?


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