Thursday, March 17, 2022

North and South

March 17, 2022


Maybe we’ve been going about Daylight Saving Time all wrong. In the northern part of the country it gets dark very early in winter. So maybe we should have a dividing line.

People in the northern half of the US could have Daylight Saving Time Year-Round, so they won’t have to live in darkness starting at 4 p.m. in winter.

And maybe the rest of us could start it in April, when moving the clocks ahead wouldn’t mean waking up in the dark after the time change in spring.


Sure, it’ll be a logistical nightmare. But people gotta have their daylight, right?

Use the Weapons You've Got

March 17, 2022


Dear Josh Hawley, Steve Manchin, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Friends:

The idea of making Daylight Saving Time year-round is a plot by Democrats to undermine our God-given right to wake up in daylight. They will then use the morning sluggishness it produces in people to practice mind-control and push their Liberal agendas.

For example: If workplace accidents occur due to the loss of morning daylight, they will send in OSHA to make new and needless rules regarding how we run our businesses. It’ll be just another example of the Nanny State run amok!


I urge you to fight this attack on our civil liberties.


No Daylight Saving Time mandate! 

But Will It Play in Boise?

March 16, 2022


Members of Congress are trying to sneak a bill past the public that would make Daylight Saving permanent.

In Boise at least, that would mean that in winter it wouldn’t get light until 9 a.m.


So will they decide to switch time zones, just to have some prayer of getting morning daylight at all? Guess I’ll have to wait and see.



Saturday, March 12, 2022

Political Climate

March 11, 2022


You may wonder why, if I get so annoyed with Missouri politics, I stay here.


First, politics are annoying everywhere. Missouri isn’t the only place with questionable mentalities running the show. (See the posts on Idaho, if you don’t believe me.)


But mainly, it’s the climate. Further north is too cold; further south is too hot; further west is too dry; and further east is too wet.


I’m in the sweet spot. So I’ll just have to try to change things from the inside. 

Gunning for the Popular Vote

March 11, 2022


Headline from the March 10, 2022 Post-Dispatch:

 “Missouri House approves plan to allow guns on public transit”


If the proposal passes, people with concealed-carry permits could bring them onto public transportation.

Well, shucks, guns are already on public transit, so why not let law-abiding citizens have them, too? That way, more people could be caught in the crossfire.

And if you have a valid concealed-carry permit, the proposal says that your church/place of worship couldn’t bar you from bringing the gun into the building.

 “Wait,” you say. “Presumably a person with a concealed carry permit has passed some sort of competency test—gun safety, mental health, what-have-you.”


HAHAHAHA! This is Missouri. Basically, if you’re breathing, pass a one-hour online course, and have taken an in-person course that hits gun-safety highlights and makes you fire 20 rounds reasonably accurately, you can get the permit. I just looked it up.


And I Was Worried about Electronic Textbooks Getting Hacked

March 11, 2022

Headline from the March 10, 2022 Post-Dispatch:


Lawmakers look to give parents more school oversight”. Judging by recent events right here in Missouri, we can confidently expect to hear that the Earth is flat, the Christian God is the only one who matters, that science is an elective, and that literature is dangerous.


Several years ago, I wrote about the possibility that electronic textbooks could get hacked. (“Let’s Work Out the Bugs First”, Feb 2, 2012). Now I don’t have to worry about that. Education is getting hacked already.


Maybe They Just Like Driving

March 8, 2020


The Freedom Convoy is headed to DC to protest COVID-19 mandates.


Don’t they know that most of the mandates have been lifted?

So Much Stupidity, So Little Time

March 11, 2022


Since I’ve started working full-time, I have a lot less mental energy to find and write about absurdities.


Sometimes, though, they just jump out at me. Read the next couple of posts for some examples.



(Note: If you read the blog and don’t get the email updates, posts go in reverse order, so you’ve probably read them already.)