Saturday, September 24, 2022

And the Harassment Continues...


September 23, 2022


Dog-walking While Black; Watering Flowers While Black; and now, Sleeping While Black (in your own hotel room).


An artist staying at a New York hotel was sleeping in the room he’d already been renting for 2 days. It seems that the door to the room had a defective catch; he mentioned it to management, but nothing was done. I’m not sure why he kept the room, but he did.


The manager walked by one morning, noticed that the door was ajar, and came in to see if everything was OK. The guy explained, the manager left, and the guy went back to sleep. A half-hour later, the manager and another man came in using key cards, woke him up, and started yelling at him, telling him he didn’t belong and that he was a homeless intruder, and demanded that he leave.


How long until there are stiff penalties for this kind of harassment? Fines; jail time (for filing false police reports, if nothing else). People say you can’t legislate good behavior; but you can sure penalize bad behavior, if you want to.



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