Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Update on "One for the Books"


November 22, 2023


The library board has determined that the book under review (“One for the Books”, November 20, 2023) should be removed from the shelves. And they will do so—once the 20-person waiting list has been cleared.


Well, the additional copies the board purchased in order to review the book should help cut down the waiting time.




Peg said...

SC writes:

Echoes of the Legion of Decency and the Hays Code in St. Louis What's the title of the book? What the objection?

Peg said...

The book was "Bang Like a Porn Star".

According to the library board, the book was purchased because, at that time, there weren't many options for books that talked about gay men's health.

But the book has pictures that don't have anything to do with the men's health issue, and now that there are other books available, they feel that they can ditch this one.

Since this was the ONLY copy in a library system that serves a county of 409,000 people, I can only assume that somebody combed the catalog purely for the purpose of rooting out books to object to.