Friday, May 17, 2024

Icarus Flew High, Too


May 17, 2024



I was recently reading 61 Hours, a Jack Reacher book written in 2010. The arch-villain feels like he’s reached the pinnacle of success, because he bought a used Boeing. He has Arrived. “Boy, have times changed,” I thought.


Since then, I’ve read a couple of other books—recent ones— that mention Boeings as an indication of fine living.


Now, though, when I see news stories about planes in difficulty, I immediately think, “Boeing.” And, sadly, I’ve been right.


They got complacent, they flew too high, and now they’re coming down. But, unlike Icarus, they’re taking other people down with them—literally.


I hope that they can pull themselves up; but in the meantime, I hope nobody else goes down with them.


1 comment:

Susan said...

Well said!