Friday, May 17, 2024

Ingenuity, Thy Name Is Woman


May 17, 2024


A woman who needed housing solved the problem in a unique way: She took up residence in a large store sign.


The sign is on the store rooftop. It’s about 5 feet high, and is accessible by a door. The woman added flooring and set up a desk, a printer, and a coffee machine. She used the store’s electricity via an extension cord.


People working on the roof noticed the extension cord, and discovered the living quarters. The woman was escorted out without incident.


It would be a tough thing to put on her resume, but I hope she gets a good job that uses her ingenuity, her problem-solving skills, and her can-do attitude. If I were an employer, I would be trying to find her.



Side note: On another subject, I would like to commend the store staff, who helped get her belongings off the roof so that she could arrange to have them picked up. They demonstrated kindness and compassion, and I’m really impressed with them.






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