Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"I" vs. "Me"

January 10, 2018

OK, I’m on another grammar kick. But that’s because I just read books by two different authors who don’t know when it’s OK to use the word “me”.

As in:   Mom gave Sandy and me some of her candy.
            The principal glared at George and me when the baseball broke his window.
            Dad walked with John and me to the beach.

Somehow people think that saying “me” is always wrong. Well, it’s not. It’s only wrong when it’s used as the subject of the sentence.

You use “I” in the subject of the sentence:

“John and I went to the store.” “Mary and I wore new dresses to the dance.” “Karen and I won our chess matches.”

Here’s how Mom explained it: Take out the “Sandy and” and see which word you would use. You would say, “Mom gave me some candy.” “The principal glared at me.” “Dad walked with me to the beach.” Therefore, Dad walked with John and me to the beach.

 “I went to the store.” “I won my chess match.” Etc.

Got it?             Subject: I.       Object: Me.

Don’t make Mom and me tell you again. Because Mom and I won’t like it.

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