Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Balloons Are Out, Guns Are In

January 6, 2019

Governor Mike Parsons would like to reverse the ban on visitors to the Missouri Capitol carrying guns.

Balloons would still be banned.

I don’t know why balloons are banned in the Capitol. I tried to look it up, and got nowhere. But they are apparently less appropriate than guns.

Some people are upset at the thought of allowing guns in the Capitol. One mother (wisely, I think), said that her child would certainly not go on any field trips there, should the gun ban be reversed.

But think about it. I actually get more annoyed when legislators try to force college campuses to allow guns, but won’t allow guns where they work, because of safety concerns. It’s like they’re throwing the rest of us under the bus to keep their political capital, while guarding their own precious hides.

At least now they’re putting their money where their mouths are.

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