Friday, February 8, 2019

How Did That Work Out for You?

February 8, 2019

Kudos to David Nicklaus of the Post-Dispatch for pointing out the obvious today in his column about the state giving film-tax credits to movie companies who film here.

Bottom line: It benefits nobody but the filmmakers.

When I lived in two other states, they both fell for the same gag.

Why didn’t they do some research first? Why not run the numbers and see if it really benefited the folks who have already tried it? Instead they just forged ahead, believing rosy projections based on—what?

This doesn’t apply only to film-tax credits, of course. It applies to any new initiative…education ideas, community-improvement efforts, funding sports teams, etc. There are lots of good ideas out there that just don’t pan out.

So, before your region jumps on any more expensive bandwagons, make sure somebody calls up the first folks who tried it—preferably after it’s been in operation for at least two years—and asks,

“So, how’d that work out for you?”

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