Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Bookkeeper—A Big Deal in Your Company (Part I)

February 9, 2019

I had a job where I had to call companies that were past-due on their invoices. I can’t remember how many times I heard, “My bookkeeper got behind,” or, “My bookkeeper quit, and I don’t know what’s going on.”

Either that’s the standard line for not paying your bills,

or people aren’t paying enough attention to their bookkeepers.

And by “paying attention” I mean, “Not appreciating exactly what they do for the company.”

Also, “Not paying them enough.”

Because if you look at the salaries for bookkeepers, they’re often pretty low.

Why? The bookkeeper pays your bills, and makes sure that people pay you. You may think it’s a no-brainer of a job—Pay, Collect, Deposit the money—but it’s a pretty big deal. You’ll find that out if your bookkeeper ever leaves suddenly.

So, look for quality help—and pay for it.

Another reason not to underestimate the role of your bookkeeper: If you do, you may find yourself in the situation described in Part II.

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