Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Bookkeeper—A Big Deal in Your Company (Part II)

February 9, 2019

I just read another article about a bookkeeper embezzling from her employers.

My question is, “Where were the checks and balances?” She wrote phony invoices, and paid herself for mileage she was not entitled to, and used company credit cards for personal purchases, and apparently nobody noticed.

This scenario happens with old and trusted employees, and with new employees that are apparently go-getters on their own account.

Either way, somebody should be checking on the bookkeeping. You may think it’s insulting to check on your employees, but as long as you have standards in place that you adhere to impartially, there shouldn’t be a problem. Any reasonable bookkeeper should expect to back up expenses recorded; and any reasonable department head should expect to have to keep track of expenditures, so that phony invoices would be noticed.

If you’re not paying attention, you’re asking for trouble.

So, don’t ignore your bookkeeper. Ever.

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