Monday, September 30, 2019

The Dilemna Dilemma

September 29, 2019

At last, there’s one thing I can cross off my “Am I Crazy?” list!

See, the first time I saw the word “Dilemma”, several years ago, I thought it was a misprint, because I remembered spelling it “Dilemna.” I even remember pronouncing it “dilem-na” the first time I saw it. But ever since I saw that first “Dilemma”, that’s ALL I’ve been able to find. I even looked it up online, and only saw it with two “m”s.

BUT: Yesterday, I looked it up again. And danged if I didn’t find other people who say the same thing. Apparently, when we were growing up, we learned it with an “n” instead of the second “m”.

Seriously, it’s a huge relief. Much easier to believe than my theory that somehow I was in an alternate universe when I learned to spell it.

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