Friday, October 9, 2020

It's a Mask, Not Waterboarding


October 5, 2020


The other day I heard one masked woman say to another, “This will go away soon. People won’t put up with this much longer.”

“Put up with what?” I wondered. “Put up with wearing a scrap of cloth over your face while you cruise the aisles of a clothing store for items that are not basic necessities? Put up with wearing a mask for that hour you go grocery shopping, or while you’re at church?”

In some countries, people were not allowed outside except to grocery shop for months; and you bet they were wearing masks. What on EARTH do you have to complain about, as you go from store to store, maskless, only having to put on the mask when you enter? And who’s making you go clothes shopping, anyway?

In World War II, people put up with rationing. What would our entitled mask-complainers do about that?

Put up with it? You should be glad that all you’re asked to do is wear a mask while you’re interacting with other people.

Put up with it? Stop being so self-centered. Or stay home, where you won’t be asked to inconvenience yourself in order to keep other citizens safe.


Your choice.

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