Friday, May 28, 2021

Good Fashion Could Be a Cinch

 May 27, 2021

Did you ever stop to think about how unfair men's business fashions are? They're forced to tuck their shirts into their pants, long after the pants have given up the struggle to actually fit around the waist; and then, to highlight the disparity between the girth and the actual pants waist, they have to cinch a belt under that waist.

Do men ever long for the good old days of tunics? Think of the impressive figures of yore: Henry VIII, all those burghers in paintings...All with their share of embonpoint, but none squeezed into pants that were several sizes too small for their midsection. Or if they were, the tunic covered it up. They even looked good sideways.

How about it, fashion moguls? Give the guys a break. Stop making them cinch those belts below the waist. Let them breathe again, and stride confidently around, knowing that they look their best from all angles.

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