Monday, August 8, 2022

Maybe They Just Want the Votes

August 8, 2022


Kevin McDermott, of the Post-Dispatch, says that Democratic Senate nominee Trudy Busch Valentine will lose handily to Republican Eric Schmitt. He urges Valentine to stop soft-peddling the abortion issue and make it the sole focus of her campaign, thereby wooing (he hopes) Republicans who want women to have rights over their own bodies.


He may be right. I'm no political pundit, so I'm not claiming to be an expert.


But maybe, just maybe, people will vote for Valentine so that there will be an automatic "Yes" vote for sensible legislation proposed by Democrats: Issues regarding veterans' health, gun control, and infrastructure, as well as abortion. Many Republicans see the value of these initiatives, and maybe they'd like to see some of them properly addressed, instead of automatically scuttled by representatives who vote along party lines instead of on the issue at hand.


I suggest Busch Valentine adopt this slogan: A Vote for Valentine Is a Vote Against Obstructionism.

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