Saturday, December 23, 2023

It's as Clear as Mud

December 22, 2023


A police SUV crashed into a gay bar in the small hours of the morning. Nothing heinous there, just your average conscientious cop swerving to avoid a dog. Or a parked car. The story changed.


When other police came to investigate the crash, the bar’s owner, who was somewhat agitated at having his bar crashed into, and maybe upset at how his husband was being treated, yelled obscenities and smacked an officer in the chest with the flat of his hand. Or maybe he didn’t; it depends on who’s telling the story and who has the video to back it up. And maybe he got those cuts and bruises magically after police chased him into an alley. There’s a lot that’s unclear.


The bar owner was originally arrested and held without bail on the grounds that he was a danger to the community. But now he’s out; maybe not so much of a danger on an ordinary day.


And now the officer says that he was distracted by his police radio, and that’s what caused the crash.


See? No intentional harm here. 


And no clear answers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obfuscation anyone?