Saturday, August 10, 2024

Getting the Family Together

August 3, 2024


Some people complain that they can never get their families together for a chat or for game time or for anything else.


Well, I’ve got a couple of fool-proof ways for getting the family together:


  • Mop the floor. People who have been holed up in their rooms over their phones or computers all day will suddenly feel the urge to come down for snacks or something and track all over your newly mopped floor. Then you can nab ’em.


  • Settle in to watch some TV in peace and quiet. That’s a sure signal for somebody to experience a burning desire to bake something—and clatter and bang all the bowls, pans and utensils. Or to start that conversation you’ve been trying to have with them all week.


(However, if you truly want to watch TV, and aren’t just using your “alone time” to set a trap for unsuspecting teenagers, invest in some wireless headphones. I can see that ad coming a mile away.)


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