Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stunting Missouri's Economy


August 4, 2024



In a heinous attempt to promote voter registration, President Joe Biden issued an executive order in 2021 directing federal agencies to promote voter registration and participation “consistent with applicable law.”


Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft thinks that this is an overreach, and is suing the Administration to make it stop—years after the order was issued, and days before Ashcroft appears on Missouri’s primary ballot for governor.


I’m not sure why directing federal agencies to follow the law is an overreach, but no doubt Secretary of State Ashcroft will enlighten us as to why he’s spending our tax dollars to challenge the law.


Like Josh Hawley and Andrew Bailey, Ashcroft is using our tax dollars to promote his political campaign. I suggest that the taxpayers file a countersuit to make these yahoos pay for their own campaign stunts.




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