Monday, October 23, 2017

Intro to Sexual Harassment

October 21, 2017

I’ve been thinking that people send their kids to classes to learn manners; so maybe someone could teach a class on how to avoid the introductory forms of sexual harassment: The arm around the shoulders with the hand that rests on the breast; the full-body hug, or any hug at all; the hand on the thigh, or the constant shoulder-touching…I say “introductory”, because they’re sort of tests that the harasser uses to see how far he/she can get. This post doesn’t cover hard-core harassment.

If somebody is acting inappropriately, you may not feel like making a big production out of it, on the grounds that the person may just have boundary issues. But whether it’s definite sexual harassment or it’s your Aunt Minnie trying to give you one of her infamous smooches, if it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to take it.

You move away from the arm; you can also stumble, ever so slightly, and apply a foot to an instep or connect with an ankle as you move away; or possibly (if you can get the angle right) spill a drink on the boundary-challenged person (especially the one whose hand was on your breast or your rear). You straighten your arms against the impending hug, keeping the person at a distance. You can use your elbows to create a space around yourself, discouraging people from getting too close in the first place. If you do have to remove a hand from your thigh, it is permissible to apply pressure to the sensitive place between the thumb and the palm, or to the wrist. In fact, I highly recommend it.

And if you’re sure of your ground, and don’t feel like being subtle, well, I’m on board with that.

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