Thursday, October 26, 2017

You Could Earn Up To $100,000,000 A Year!

October 26, 2017

When you’re making your annual budget, I hope you don’t follow the reasoning of politicians, and of businessmen who are looking for handouts.

For example, St. Louis is bidding to be Amazon’s 2nd headquarters. That, of course, means throwing in lots of tax incentives and other handouts to a business that hardly needs them. Know why?

Because it “could bring up to 50,000 jobs” to the area.

And the group that’s putting in the Ferris wheel at Union Station “hopes that it will bring up to 500,000 visitors annually”. (Side note: It’s a 30-seat Ferris wheel. I’m going to hope that the article misquoted someone, and that it’s the combined aquarium and Ferris wheel projects that the group “hopes” will bring in the unrealistic number of people.)

Well, sure. Of course these things could bring “up to” fantastic amounts of jobs and visitors.

By that reasoning, each and every citizen of the world could make “up to” $100,000,000 annually. But as optimistic as that makes you feel, I hope you’re not basing your budget on it.

So could we get some realism into the discussion?

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