Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Saving Water

December 15, 2019

Now that low-flush toilets have improved to the point where they actually work, I’d like to talk about another device that could save water: The pull-out, push-in shower faucet. With most faucets, you have to turn the water all the way down to Cold in order to turn off the shower, which is a pain when you shampoo your hair. Some people may not even bother to turn off the water, which is wasteful.

With the pull-out knob, when you turn off the water to shampoo your hair, you just push in the knob, then pull it back out when you’re ready to rinse. Saves time and water.

Unfortunately, if your shower is built with the turn-to-cold knob, it requires a pretty substantial remodel of the fixture, involving going into the wall where the pipes are, and replacing a valve.

It would be swell if contractors put in the pull-out, push-in fixture right from the get-go.

January 10, 2020

A quick search of the internet revealed that there are valves that you can install on your showerhead to turn the water off, so that you can keep your ideal mix of hot and cold once it’s set.

So now I know. 

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