Thursday, January 23, 2020

If You Can't Beat It, Adapt

January 23, 2020

People are trying hard to gain traction in reversing the effects of Global Warming. Changing course may help, but I wonder if anyone is putting any thought into adapting to what is partially inevitable.

Is anyone drawing up plans for desalination plants, in case we run low on fresh water? How will we house people who move away from the coast due to the already-rising waterlines? How will we prevent them from being crowded in the interior? How will we protect the farmland from being taken over for housing, or, alternatively, figure out how to make synthetic food, a la “Star Trek” replicators?

It never hurts to plan ahead.

February 21, 2021

Answer to the farmland question: Vertical Farming. (Tall greenhouses.) It started taking off once the pandemic hit.

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