Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Let the Politicians Do Their Part

February 26, 2020

In reference to another gang shooting, somebody said yesterday, “Gun violence is almost non-existent in countries with gun-control laws.”

My extensive reading of Dick Francis novels has informed me that even in countries with fewer guns, there’s still gang violence. So I wondered how gangs in other countries got their results.

Then I thought, well, maybe politicians here who don’t favor gun-control laws could research the issue. Then they could say to gang leaders, “Hey, in order get people off our backs about gun control, could you turn to [knives, chains, etc.] and leave the guns out of it?”

That wouldn’t solve the issue of firearms used in domestic violence incidents, of course, or stop people with mental problems from using them; but I’m sure that if the politicians really gave it some thought, they could come up with something.

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