Monday, December 21, 2020

I'm Not Cut Out For Dealing With Stupidity


December 21, 2020


I just attended a virtual job fair through the DOL website. First, I had to determine which state Zone I live in. The website’s information booth gave me no help, so I called the local job center. The first woman had no idea, and referred me to another one, who was able to help.

I visited several sites and I found a job that sounded promising, so I uploaded my resume, as required, and started to fill out the application. I was doing well until they asked for my job history.

I typed in “See Resume,” and filled out the rest of the application. The “See Resume” section requested a phone number, dates, etc. In other words, they wanted me to type in exactly what was on the resume that they had had me upload.

I was also intrigued to know that “voluntary” information of gender and race was marked with an asterisk, meaning the field must be filled in.


I am NOT cut out for this nonsense.



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