Monday, December 28, 2020

Did Scientific Method in the Bible Come Up Short?

 December 26, 2020


I was looking at various instances of scientific method in the Bible (like Jacob’s selective breeding program, shown to him in a vision by the Lord), to counteract the snarky people who say that the Lord, not science, will protect them from the coronavirus. Because the Lord seemed to have a pretty good handle on science, so maybe people could reconcile the two.

I read Leviticus 13, which talks about isolating lepers. “Aha!” I thought. “Isolation. That’s the ticket. Let the anti-scientists gripe about isolating NOW!” 

But then I read modern articles that say that leprosy is most likely transmitted by coughing and sneezing, and is not really that contagious after all. (Although, in a crowded camp, things may have been dicier.) So why didn’t the Lord say, “Make them wear masks!” instead of making them outcasts?

Now it’s starting to really bug me.


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