Sunday, December 6, 2020

Keep That Common Sense Coming!


December 6, 2020


I read today that airlines are taking some common-sense measures to reduce the risk of infection during the pandemic. One of the changes is to board the planes starting with the back seats, to limit exposure from people continually passing the front-end passengers who are already seated.

In “A Shrewd Move” (August 14, 2012) I wrote,

I asked “Why don’t you [the flight attendants] let the people who don’t tie up traffic by using the overhead bins off the plane first?”

 The gate attendants just smiled and said, “Oh, we can’t do that.”


I hereby renew my plea to the airlines to let people with NO carry-on luggage deplane first, to limit the amount of time standing in the aisles, waiting for people to get their luggage out of the overhead bins.



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