Sunday, March 21, 2021

Cui Bono from Virus Disinformation?

March 18, 2021


In murder mysteries, the first question asked is always, “Cui bono?” Who benefitted from the crime?

So much disinformation about the efficacy of masks, and the safety of the COVID vaccine, is floating around, that I have to ask the question:


Spreading disinformation about the virus—whom does it benefit?


When somebody’s working this hard toward the goal of not taking safety precautions, and thereby wiping out large numbers of people, what are they getting out of it?

A conspiracy theorist might say that hospitals will make money on all the patients they’re treating; but hospitals have been overwhelmed; they’ll probably never collect on the outrageous bills that COVID patients are running up; and they postponed the elective surgeries that would actually make them money. So I’m taking them out of the running.

A conspiracy theorist might also say that drug manufacturers are cleaning up from the manufacture of vaccines. But there’s no evidence that a drug manufacturer created the virus; and the vaccine-creation effort has been in countries around the world. Are all those companies in all those countries in cahoots? Doubtful.

Who else? Some said that Democrats merely fear-mongered the extent of the virus to win the presidential election. But did they spread the virus around the world in order to achieve that aim? Again, doubtful.

Who benefits from preventing people to take elementary precautions against spreading a virus?

Well, people in states with largely rural populations seem less inclined to take precautions. They are the most vocal about not surrendering their freedom, so they seem like they are going to be the most vulnerable in the end. And what do rural people have?




And whoever controls the land controls the economy. Food, essential minerals, construction space…All depend on having land.

So, I conclude that the source of resisting elementary precautions, leading to more COVID deaths, is a bunch of land-hungry people who want to control the world.


Makes as much sense as anything else I’ve heard. 

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