Thursday, April 15, 2021

Change YOUR Schedule, not Everybody Else's

April 11, 2021

Some members of the Missouri state legislature are yammering on again about making Daylight Saving Time year-round. Apparently some of them like to get home in the daylight.

As an early riser, I’d appreciate the chance to actually wake up in sunlight. When DST hits in March, it removes any chance of that until late April. Frankly, after having spent the winter months taking morning walks in the dark, that extended period of waking to no sunlight gets downright depressing. 

Furthermore, having DST start in March is pointless, from the standpoint of spending time outdoors; it's either too cold or too windy most evenings to be outside anyway.

I will be happy to write to the employer of each of these people and ask them if they could grant their august employees a flexible schedule, letting them go home an hour early whenever they felt the need, so that they wouldn’t have to drag the rest of down with them in their quest for after-work sunlight.

Although, if they’re supposed to be capable of running the state government, you’d think that they could have the guts speak to their bosses themselves.

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